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Friday 20 April 2012

Info Post
Happy Friday! Did y'all have a good week? Ours seemed to fly by and I'm so thankful for that!

So, today I have something BIG to share with you. Well, big to me. Some of you wildly in shape people may scoff. But for me, this is monumental. I haven't put my mind to something this physically challenging since college. I set a goal this month and told myself once I hit halfway and knew I wasn't going to die from it, that I'd share it with y'all!

Today I hit 55 miles for the month of April. The goal is 100 by May 6th. Yep, ONE HUNDRED MILES! I think I'm going to make it, in fact I know I'm going to! I did get the idea from here, I really do admire this woman.

My senior year of college I fell in love with running. I needed a few extra credits to graduate and decided to take a running class. It rocked my world, mid way through I ran the Charlottesville 10 Miler. I felt like I could conquer the world.

Fast-forward 6 years, 5 moves, 2 deployments, 2 babies, more pregnancy weight than you can imagine and the big 3 0 around the corner and I felt like I had completely lost that girl I was. This year we found ourselves at a new duty station, a new phase in our life and the lightbulb went on. This is MY year, in a non-selfish way ;) All the factors are perfect and I'm going to take full advantage. Yes, I know I just posted a cake recipe :) It's all in moderation, it's all about creating harmony in your life, and not swinging the pendulum to one side.

I used to love to run and it was a little hard getting back into it.  In fact for the past few weeks I've been pretty ticked off ;) even glaring at my running shoes. Ha!  But it wasn't until halfway through this goal that I'm starting to hit my stride and get a glimpse of that girl from the past. I'm starting to cruise and I'm starting to feel that joy again, and if you know me, you know I like big finales....

While it's not a big finale in milage it's a very colorful finale and I think I may like that even more. At least for now.

So on May 6th, after reaching my goal of 100 miles of pounding the pavement, my sweet and obliging husband will be running with me under the name Team Doozie at the Color Me Rad race. You can laugh, I am :) Bill should win an award for most supportive husband, bless his heart....
Color Me Rad
Their races always support a local charity. This year it's to help get at-risk kids swim lessons, something very needed in a beach community. I liked the charity, I loved the color, I knew it was be the perfect way to celebrate the completion of this goal. And what can I say, it will be a riot to see Bill getting blasted with colored corn starch! I love you honey ;)

So there you have it! This is what I've been up to. Moving, breathing, falling in love with running again, thanking God for this body He has given me, and trying to take better care of ME.


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