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Monday 23 April 2012

Info Post
Happy Monday y'all! This weekend went way too fast. Bill and I were watching TV last night and he saw a commercial that had a dog and his owner walking on a mountain trail and he said "I just want to move to Colorado and never have to put Dora on a leash again." Bless his heart. I think we all are starting this week a little tired. This is what we were up to:
Bill put this planter outside our kitchen window about 8 months ago. It is a lovely little space to look at while washing the never ending pile of dishes. I've never had climbing roses before and it's been a bit of a learning curve, but they are being very patient with me and are happily blooming :) Also, as you can see it rained A LOT this weekend....blah...

Isn't our garage lovely? Ha! It's actually "clean" here so try and be impressed. What I'm really trying to show you is my new ride for the kids and me. This way we can zip to the beach without taking the car! In the words of Will, the boys think it's "super cool" :) Bill gave me a choice of new bedding for our room or a bike and trailer. What would you have picked?
During Jack's naptimes I worked on some crafting while Will played with buttons. This seems like such a simple thing to play with but it's always a huge hit and we get to chit-chat the whole time. Love love love it!
Mr. Jack was sporting some CHA-RA-ZAH-Y hair this weekend. Part of me wants to cut it all off and honor the military vibe in this house but the other part of me loves the messy bedhead and the wannabe surfer look. What to do, what to do.
These are my favorite pictures of the weekend. This was our front porch Sunday morning. Very wet and drippy but the air was warm and I enjoyed taking a few minutes to watch the rain and peek in on the baby birds in our hanging planters :) Our little morning dove and her fledglings will get their own post in a week or so. 
And I'll end our weekend recap with the now traditional evening wrestling matches. I'm always so thankful when Bill roughhouses with them, they need every second of it. I'm telling ya both of these boys need to be in full contact sports!

What did y'all do this weekend? Hopefully your weather was a little sunnier than ours! Cheers to a glorious week! I have some fun posts for you and hopefully a tutorial for some scrappy fabric owls :)


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