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Wednesday 11 April 2012

Info Post
Motherhood is by far the most fulfilling and exhausting role I've played thus far in my little life. There are days where I want to soak up every second of these tiny little lives I'm in charge of and then there are days where I look up to the heavens and ask God to just get me to bedtime. Can I get an amen?? I'm in love with it all but often times I find myself fully depleted, realizing I'm only at the beginning of this journey! I have many sources I draw upon to fill me up and steady me on this ride called motherhood. My time with God is first and foremost, my mother is always a call away (I'm still in awe of my childhood and all she did), my incredible friends near and far who are in the trenches with me, and my husband, oh my husband. He does things like this for me:

Yesterday morning I told him I was a little weary and could really use an hour or so to just breathe. At 4pm I was sitting at the park watching the boys bound across the playground, wondering if I could bottle that energy and noting that the kids really do need haircuts when my phone rang. "Hey babe, I'm leaving work, coming to trade off with you. Just go get a coffee and do whatever you want. I'll take care of dinner and baths". Please re-read that. That is a golden phone call for a mother. 15 minutes later we high-fived at the park, I gave him a run-down of the boys day, switched keys, made sure he would truly survive. And then I got in his car, ALONE.

A coffee was in order and then I found myself on an empty beach. It was glorious. I walked and walked, watched the birds and the waves, thought about my life, my boys, our future daughter, my sweet and wonderful husband. To get those few hours alone meant everything to me. I came home feeling so refreshed, ready to get back on that momma train. It was exactly what I needed and I'm very thankful that I have a husband who sees and understands that.

What refreshes you? What do you need to lift your soul up when it's weary? One thing I've learned from motherhood is that you must find out what that is and then you must carve out time for it. You'll be a better mom, wife, friend and you for it.

Hope y'all are cruising through your week! I'm headed out on a run with the dog and the double stroller :) You should see the looks we get! We are quite the crew.


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