Breaking News
Friday 4 May 2012

Info Post
As I've mentioned before, grad school is coming to an end for me (one week til grduation!!)  The past month especially has been a mad rush to bring everything together; tying up loose ends, finishing my last assignments and presentations, along with a bunch of nerves and anxiety and late nights on top of daily responsibilities.  This past Monday I presented, along with my fabulous group members, our final integrative research project presentation. And after we were done presenting I completely crashed. I could barely keep my eyes open on the drive home, not to mention the other presentations. All the tension and stress leading up to the biggest moment of my MSW grad school education was followed by a complete crash...Yeah, that's how I celebrate ;)

I also finished my last grad school paper ever this past Tuesday night and I attended my last class on Wednesday. I'm feeling pretty good right now :)

In order to make it through these last assignments I've had to pump myself up. I usually do that with music, and for some reason this song was in my mind the entire last month!
"Eye of the Tiger" brings me back to memories of high school track meets and bus rides when we would play our music to pump ourselves up for the competition...good times :)

For my own sanity I pumped myself up to make something other than a paper too ;)  With M&Ms leftover from Eliana's 4th birthday party I made my version of Eye of the Tiger:
Tiger M&Ms!
To make these tiger M&Ms all you need is a lot of orange M&Ms and edible food markers.

First make two circle eyes with the black food safe marker. 
Then with a brown food marker make the nose, mouth and ears.  
The make the tiger stripes with the black food marker.

*In order for your design not to smudge let each part dry first before drawing the next part.

The closest you'll ever want to get with a tiger ;)

And so much better than regular M&Ms ;)

Eliana had fun drawing her own Tiger M&Ms too. She made a bunch of them, but I only happened to get a picture of this one before it went into her mouth ;)  I may be bias, but that is the best looking Tiger M&M I have ever seen.

I call this activity working on her fine motor skills
You can call it whatever you want, but it was fun and delicious.

Want ideas of what to make with other color M&Ms?
Red -- Ladybug M&Ms
Yellow -- Baby Chick M&Ms 

What I used to make these tiger M&Ms:

I link up. Check it out :)


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