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Saturday 5 May 2012

Info Post

Hello hello! Happy Saturday to y'all! I know I've been a little MIA, especially in my blog commenting and lack of big posts. I actually have a ton to share with you: two tutorials for some adorable crafts and some more family adventures. But I've been a bit busy. Running busy that is. This morning I hit 97 miles and am all set to hit my 100th tomorrow at the race :) Yay! So when I haven't been running I've been taking full advantage of our gorgeous weather with my men. Here's a little of what we've been up to Instagram style. I'll be back in the swing of things on Monday, starting with a very COLORFUL post from race day :)

Oh the many uses for mason jars :) Little pincushions for teacher gifts!
The surfer look has arrived. Glad we pushed through the awkward phase. Thanks Ivey for the encouragement. I love that his hair helps cover his ears at the beach and when the humidity hits, those baby curls I loved so much come back :) 
Painting and creating during Jack's nap!
I led a craft day for the women at our church. We made elastic bookmarks :) So fun! They even look cute on a nook or kindle case so everyone was happy.

We've been biking fools, riding to the beach and then to get water ice and all around town. The boys love it :)
A morning ride to Starbucks.
Trailer happy! Will should be able to keep up with us on his own bike next summer but for now they don't mind the close quarters.
I love getting to give a homemade birthday gift :)
Alright my dears! Pray for us tomorrow! Not shooting for any specific time, just for a sweet finale with the family. Enjoy your weekend. And my goodness don't forget about the giveaway!


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