Breaking News
Thursday 24 May 2012

Info Post
If you tuned to the radio station yesterday evening, you would know that Kuching has endured a nasty thunderstorm yesterday.  It started around 4something while I was almost done with my facial treatment.  The wind was blowing crazy when I came out from the facial centre.  

And Facebook being a powerful social network, there were many updates on the havocs caused by the thunderstorm such as the roof in Kuching Specialist Hospital (KPJ) in Stutong.  

And the most mentioned tree over the yesterday is this one in Jalan Tabuan.  Taken when I was on the way to pick my kids from babysitter around 5.40pm.

Believe it or not, I was stuck in jam for about 45 minutes before I reached my kids and I was again stuck in a crawl for 2 hours when I decided to give up and headed home instead of shop.  At first I used the Ong Tiang Swee road but stuck for an hour before I diverted to Laksamana Cheng Ho and Jalan Tun Jugah and planned to use the Tabuan Jaya to my shop, but when I reached the Simpang Tiga roundabout, the traffic polices diverted all the vehicles to Jalan Simpang Tiga.  Gosh!  That was when I decided to quit and U-turn at Simpang Tiga traffic light section and heading home.  But then the kids were restless and making so much noise in the car.  Coupled with a hungry driver (that is me!) it would be good to head home.  

Initially plan to buy ingredients to cook my Fried Noodle to be brought to little girl's kindergarden today for their Teacher's Appreciation Day but end up my plan was dashed! Sigh!  So this morning, I brought my girl to buy some pastries from Bread & Pastry, Green Heights instead.  Lol!
By the time we reached home, it is after 8pm and hubby already took his bath.  Since both of us not have our dinner, hubby suggested we have one in Ah Liong cafe which is 1 minute drive from the house.  Have Kolo Mee and Sotong Kangkong.  I cannot remember when was the last time I had sotong kangkong!  Yummy!

My "Jiu Hu Eng Chai" as the Hokkien called it, was super delicious.  The kangkong (Water Convolvulus) was hidden underneath the sliced cuttlefish and covered by lots of pounded peanuts. 

Okay-lah.  After a tiring drive and my car tank almost dried up, this dish made up for all those frustrations.  *wink*  And the council needs lot of cleaning to do too.  Many rubbish and tree branches fall on the roads.  Sigh!  Hope no more crazy rain again.....


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