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Tuesday 8 May 2012

Info Post
April 2nd I set out on a crazy goal of 100 miles by May 6th. Running was a part of my life 6 years ago and since then it's been an up and down battle to get back to it. I can list out a ton of excuses as to why that love slipped away. But don't we all have those excuses? 

My plan for this post was to list out everything I've learned about myself over these 100 miles. And I'll still make that list, it's long and chalked full of awesomeness. But really the number one question people have been asking is "how much weight did you lose?"

In a minute I'll tell you. But here is what I knew before I stepped on the scale. For over a month I've run at least 3 miles almost everyday. Most of the miles were ran while pushing a double stroller with two boys in it and a dog at my side - about 90 plus pounds total. My clothes fit crazy different, loose in the bottom and waist. My running pants tend to fall down now and I've been tossing them in the dryer in hopes of shrinking them. My face looks thinner and people comment on it. I've dropped 2 minutes on my mile time since I've started, and have more energy then I can remember having in a long time. All signs that scale would happily boast a smaller number.

Y'all I lost one baby pound.

Bill has been an awesome coach over this past month, pushing me harder, showing me how to keep going and not injure myself. He also told me not to step on the scale for another week because he didn't want this accomplishment of 100 miles to be linked to a number on the scale. He's been right this whole month. Why the heck (and I really want to use a different word here but I won't) didn't I listen to him this time around.

After he left for work this morning I stepped on the scale and saw the number, my heart sank. Ugh! My husband is always right! I tried to tell myself the scale must be broken, maybe the kids have jumped on it too many times. I felt panic creep into my chest and tried to remind myself of how different I felt. I even went out and purchased a new scale. Same number...

So honestly I feel jipped. Ticked that I let all those questions of weight loss push me onto a scale. This was not the post I planned writing but I want to always be honest with y'all.

 I have fallen in love with running again and I hate that I blackened this accomplishment with such a vain thing as a number. Now this all might be the rantings and ravings of a woman at a certain time of the month and I'm hoping that by this weekend I'll have a clearer outlook and be able to write out my list but right now y'all I could just use a hug. I let my joy get stollen and I'm off to go find it.


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