Breaking News
Tuesday 1 May 2012

Info Post
Our room air con was down last night.  On one of the hottest nights, it spoiled.  We suspect the fan was faulty and it caused the icy surface to form on the motor.  Have arranged for someone to check on it this afternoon.  Hopefully nothing serious and can be repaired within today, otherwise we will need to move to next room tonight.

My youngest child is down with cough and flu, so he is having bad time sleeping at night.  Wake up, tossing here and there and coughing.  Poor boy.  Hopefully he will recover fast and can get some sleeps.  And mummy also can rest too! *wink*

This morning I woke up with headache from lack of sleep.  Coupled with the faulty air condition and Baby Jay's sickness, it was a tiring night for all of us. 

To cheer me up, hubby suggested we had tim sum for breakfast this morning!  Yummy!  Long time I did not go to the coffee shop in 4 1/2 Mile Penrissen Road for tim sum breakfast.  I cannot recall the name of the coffee shop but it is the corner shop opposite to F&N that always put their tables and chairs on the parking spaces.  I like its Har Kau because of its juicy prawns.  I tasted its egg and butter custard buns today for the first time.  Yummy.  Never knew butter and egg go along so well.  Creamy and salty combination. 


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