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Saturday 9 July 2011

Info Post
Hubby commenting that I am too skinny. I think my current weight is okay for my height. 48kg for 152cm. Skinny meh??

I have got back to my pre-pregnancy weight and die-die I will maintain my current shape and weight. How I do it? My formula as follow:

#1 Stress
How can you think of food when under stress? May it be family related stress, work related stress or other type of stress, I would not be thinking much about eating.

#2 Long working hour
It means busy. When busy, I would not be thinking about food

#3 Diet
Eat less fried food and carbohydrate, eat more vegetables.

#4 Light housework
I have not been going to any aerobic or gym for few years now, so I do some light house chore like cleaning the room. I can never finish cleaning up the room. Everyday there would be mess around. Sigh!

#5 Supplement
I rely on supplement to replenish any nutritions that I may not be able to obtain from food

#6 Kids
Tell me who never lose some weights with kids around. Running after them, screaming after them and cleaning after them. Already enough to make your adrenaline runs high!!

#7 Sex and sleep
Do I need to explain this further? It enhance better relationship with your other half and same time, sex is good exercise too. And not forgetting quality sleep at night.

So I jokingly told my hubby few nights ago, if want me to grow fat then have to treat me to supper every night! Lol! I think he could not afford to because if I gain weight, he will automatically gain more because he has to accompany me to eat.

So what is your post-pregnancy weight control???


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