Breaking News
Sunday 3 July 2011

Info Post
I am making a list for the new house. Targeting to move in, earliest by September or latest in November. Definitely before Christmas. I would love to spend my Chinese New Year in my new home.

We have get the SESCO technician to install the DB yesterday so we have electricity supply and contractors can start their work without delay. Just some extension work for the wet kitchen and touching up on wall and ceiling. Damn the developer. Lousy workmanship! What to do, other than complaining and get them to rectify. But after so many rounds of complaining, we gave up and decided we take over and do it ourselves.

Time to hunt for furnitures. Bedroom and kitchen would be in the most important list. Should not be a problem in hunting for good bargain as Hari Raya celebration is just two months away!!

So much to do and so little time to spend!


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