Breaking News
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Info Post
First of all, thank you guys for your birthday wishes in my previous post. My big day is more than a month, but it is really nice to have earlier wishes. You make my day!

Let me bring you back to my childhood time. Yes, once a while I would reminiscing my sweet path of childhood, especially on food and time spent with my family. I grew up in strict environment where mum is the "police" ensuring we abide to "house rule". Nevertheless she is a good mum and I love her cooking. Dad on other hand is sole breeder; providing what necessary for the family. No matter how tired he was after a long day at work, he would brought us for supper almost every night. Come to evening time, me and my younger siblings would dressed up and eagerly getting ready to go for supper.

One of my favourite childhood noodle dish is tomato sauce crispy noodle. Remember one of the favourite stall to have such dish was in Chawan Road where a couple operated a small business in their house compound. Since then, they were no longer in operation; wonder where have they moved to. Hardly can find good tomato sauce noodle in Kuching.

The noodle will be deep fried to crisp first, and when there is order, the cook will cook the tomato sauce and add some fish balls, fresh prawns, sliced pork meat and chicken meat with green vegetables. Then the sauce will be added to the noodle. However nowadays the portion shrink and less ingredients. Tasted one last weekend in Stutong. The sauce not bad, combination of sweet and soury, but they only added some chicken meat slices and vegetable. So bland. RM4.00 per plate!

Definitely would not go back for it, unless I really craving for tomato sauce crispy noodle again since nearer to my house! *wink*

Once a while, I feel like kid again and indulge in sinful food. Fried chicken. It has been my favourite dish when I was small, and tell me which children never love fried chicken huh?

As tempting as it is, I seldom have it. Got to control my diet, you know.

So just out of craving on a Saturday, I opted to try My Chicken Restaurant in Tabuan since near my shop. I ordered the take-away since a lot of patrons that time. Love the takeaway box. Colourful and atractive, don't you think???

A lot of advertisement in this small box!!

The chicken taste almost the same like KFC, but bigger in size. That was my lunch for that day.


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